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Wumishan Formation

Wumishan Fm


Age Interval: 
Jixianian (Calymmian) Jx (16)

Beijing, Hebei

Type Locality and Naming

Jixian County, Tianjin. The Wumishan Fm was named by Gao Zhenxi (Kao, C. S.), Xiong Yongxian (Hsiung, Y. H.) and Gao Ping (Kao, P.) in 1934. The naming locality is Sujiayu Gully, 9 km northeast of Jixian County, Tianjin Municipality.

Synonym: (雾迷山组)

Lithology and Thickness

The Wumishan Fm is composed of Mg-rich mega-thick-bedded carbonate rock (dolomitic), which is characterized by distinct rhythmic layering, abundant chert, stromatolites and microplants. It is subdivided into four members. First member (842 m thick): the lower part is rhythmic layering of grey-white medium-thick-bedded, silty, muddy dolomite and chert-banded dolomite, accompanied with laminated bituminous dolomite; and the upper part consists rhythmic layering of grey, dark-grey medium-thick bedded, chert-banded coarse-crystalline dolomite, bituminous dolomite, sandwiched with grey-white thick-mega thick-bedded silty microcrystalline dolomite. Second member (755 m thick): the lower part is a rhythmic layering of grey-white thick-bedded chert-bearing fine-crystalline dolomite, bituminous laminated dolomite and stromatolite dolomite with chert bands; and the upper part is grey-white schistose muddy and silty microcrystalline dolomite, variegated thick mega-thick coarse-crystalline limy dolomite, dark-grey laminated bituminous dolomite, chert-banded dolomite and black chert rock. Third member (877 m thick): the base is purple-red thick-bedded silt-bearing microcrystalline dolomite; the lower part consists of rhythmic layering of grey, greyish silty microcrystalline dolomite, limy dolomitic conglomerate, microcrystalline limy dolomite, black chert bands and chert beds; and the upper part is dark grey thick-bedded microcrystalline limy dolomite with grey-white siliceous lamination and bands, while the top, oolitic dolomite, microcrystalline limy dolomite and purple-red medium-bedded clastic microcrystalline dolomite. Fourth member (862 m thick): the base is a grey-white, dolomitic sandstone; the lower part consists of grey-white limy coarse-crystalline dolomite, dark-grey, chert-banded dolomite, bituminous dolomite, stromatolite dolomite; the upper part is greyish chert-banded dolomite; and the top is a mega-thick-bedded stromatolite dolomite. The bedding in the formation is commonly straight and planar or is slight undulation and oblique, and ripple marks and desiccation cracks are often seen on the bedding surface. The total thickness is 3340 m.

[Figure: Wumishan Fm in Qipanmo Mt. in Jixian section. a,b,c-Dolomite interbedded with mudstone; d,e-Storm beds; f-Stromatolites g,h,i-Siliceous bedding with ripples]

Lithology Pattern: 

Relationships and Distribution

Lower contact

Conformable onto the underlying Yangzhuang Fm. The basal surface of a mega-thick chert-striped dolomite is taken as its base boundary.

Upper contact

It has a conformable contact with overlying Hongshuizhuang Fm

Regional extent

Tianjin Municipality, Beijing Municipality and Hebei. The formation is widely distributed in Yan-Liao District, for example, in north sector of Yan-shan Mountain it is thinned in Xinglong, Pingquan, even the upper strata are absent sometimes; in west sector, it is seriously thinned, and the thickness is less than one-third in Jixian. Moreover, the sand and mud content is high and the microcrystalline dolomite is developed in the base. In the east sector, starting from northeast of Tangshan City, the formation is obviously thinned and dominated by thin- to medium-bedded microcrystalline dolomite, and stromatolite dolomite can be seen rarely. In western Liaoning, the Wumishan Fm is exposed in Lingyuan, Jianchang, Chaoyang, Harqin Zuogi,Yixan, Beizhen and Fuxin, where it is basically stable in lithological character, and is dominated by medium- to thick-bedded dolomitic limestone and chert-bearing dolomitic shale. A quartz sandstone or quartz breccia lies in the base. In Lingyuan it has stromatolites and microplants. It varies seriously in thickness, for example, it is up to 5427 m thick in Chaoyang, but 3000 m thick in Jinxi, Lingyuan, and only 2000 m in Jianping.




Stromatolites in the first member include Microstylus- Pseudogymnosolen assemblage; in second member, Conophyton lituum-Jacutophyton assemblage. The black-chert in first member of the formation contains rich microalgae fossils, such as Oscillatoriopsis jixianensis, Palaeolyngbya elliptica, Saccophycus nitidus, Templuma sinica, Pandorinopsis jixianensis. The second to fourth members have rich microplants, such as Polynucella, Glottimorpha, Leiofusa, Nucellosphaeridium.


SHRIMP U-Pb dates of 1485±13 Ma and 1487±16 Ma had been acquired from zircons in tuff in the Wumishan Formation in Jixian section (Li Huaikun et al., 2014). The schematic stratigraphic section shows it spanning the lower-middle Jixianian (Calymmian), but upper-middle fits the dates better.

Age Span: 

    Beginning stage: 

    Fraction up in beginning stage: 

    Beginning date (Ma): 

    Ending stage: 

    Fraction up in the ending stage: 

    Ending date (Ma):  

Depositional setting

Depositional pattern:  

Additional Information

The paleomagnetic polarity during the Wumishan Fm deposition period was negative and the paleomagnetic pole was -18.2°N, 49.2° (Zhang Huimin et al., 1991).


Extracts from The Mesoproterozoic Erathem (chapter in Stratigraphic Lexicon of China, draft of 2022) by Gao Linzhi, Ding Xiaozhong, Zhang Chuanheng, Zhang Heng.